Enrollment at the Davao Christian High School is considered valid when the student has submitted his/her Form 138, other required credentials, and has paid the enrollment fees. Only students who are duly enrolled will be allowed to join the online class.
When a child is admitted and enrolled in DCHS, it is understood that it is for the full academic year. Matriculation and miscellaneous fees have to be paid for the whole school year and are non-refundable. There is no pro-rating of fees for partially attended classes.
Tuition fee will have to be paid for the grading period attended. Whether a student attends one day or thirty days of a grading period, the whole grading period’s tuition fee has to be paid. There is no pro-rating of fees for partially attended classes.
The exception to the above two paragraphs is when a student transfers or otherwise withdraws in writing the first two weeks of the school year. If he/she does so within the first two weeks of the school year. If he/she does so within the first week of classes, he/she will be charged 10% of the tuition and matriculation fee and 100% of the miscellaneous fees. If he/she does so on the second week of classes, he/she will be charged 20% of the tuition and matriculation fee and 100% of miscellaneous fees. This is regardless of whether the student actually attends classes or not.
Monthly payment for installment is due every end of the month starting August until March. It is the parent’s responsibility to take note of these due dates and remit payments on time, without need of further notice or demand from the school.
Enrollment requirements for new enrollees or transferees are:
-PSA Birth Certificate
-Passport information page (for foreign students)
-ID Picture
-Report Card
-Certificate of Good Moral Charater (if available)
*For incoming Grade 12 students, PSA birth certificate is required for S.O. application.