The general objectives of Davao Christian High School are to:
Preschool education aims to train and develop the child into a happy and secure individual ready to enter elementary for basic learning. Its specific objectives are to:
Elementary education aims to provide adequate instruction in the basic preparation for education beyond the elementary level and to develop the child into a responsible teenager. Its specific objectives are to:
Secondary education aims to continue the general education started in elementary, and to provide adequate instructions in preparation for college education or initial employment. Its specific objectives are to:
Christian Education is a Bible-based, Christ-centered teaching-learning process. It seeks to guide the individual at all levels of growth through contemporary teaching methods and experience God’s purpose and plan through Christ in every aspect of living. It also aims to equip individuals for effective ministry with an overall focus on Jesus Christ, the Master Educator, Savior, and Lord of men. Its specific objectives are to:
The specific objectives of the Chinese Department are to: